Wednesday, March 9, 2016

teacher appreciation post

when i first met Lawler, he and i got off at a rough start. he made me cry, i insulted him a lot, and we just went back and forth beating each other up for stupid flaws we had. i honestly thought he hated my guts, and i decided i wanted to hate his.
but after a rough day in Art Fondations, he sat outside the classrom with me and listened to everything that was going on. every since, ive gone to him about everything and i look up to him. Lawler is a teacher i will always remember, even when i'm an old and wrinkly and gross. he's such a caring person even when he doesnt seem like it. he pokes your buttins but will take you seriously if you need someone to talk to, he's also taught me so many wonderful and beautiful things about art that i couldnt have learned  any better way. hes an amazing artist, and hes the best teacher ive ever had.