Thursday, October 1, 2015

This picture is a symbol for the refugees everywhere. Her face became popular and the cover of geographic articles. This impacted the world to think about refuges and how they are living compared to us. I like this picture because it shows her facial expression towards being a refuge. This image is important for showing how they are living. The strength in this photo is her facial expression and opens up people's emotion toward how refugees live.

This picture is the symbol of the struggle of people who don't have enough money to feed their children, sell everything they had to feed their loved ones. This women sold her cars in able to feed her children.This impacts the world to think about how poor people live, how people give up everything for their loved ones. This image is important to show how important your loved ones really are. The strength in this photo is how the chridren are hiding next to their mother. This picture makes me feel very grateful for having a working car and a house over my head, a loving brother, and a wonderful, caring mother.

This picture is a symbol of the dead. This picture is a viet cong prisoner being exucuted for something we will never be sure if he did or did not kill a so called 'bad guy'. this impacts the world to remember our right from wrongs, what we've done, good and bad. This image is import representation of the vietom war. The strength in this phot is the man holding the gun, how he has no regret firing a maybe innocent man, This makes me feel sad and outraged towards how we used to be. I'm glad we have moved on further.

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